Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Reflection of How Society Views the Disabled

Merrill Streep rightly called Trump to account for his mocking a Disable NY Times reporter in the heat of the 2016 presidential election campaign.

Here is Trump doing the mocking:

But it should be remembered that he is hardly the first one to do so. Indeed in 2009, a fresshly sworned in Obama made fun of Special Olympics people on Jay Leno, and I blogged then about it as:

"President Obama is getting a rap over his comments on special olympics people, but the sad reality is how much society consciously or unconsciously looks down on the disabled and does not want to be associated with them in any form.

To my fellow paralytic polio survivors I just say this: someday, somewhere over the rainbow we can overcome. If we can come together and share and learn from one another, we will get out of it stronger than anyone who ever looked down on us

Someday, somewhere over the rainbow,..."

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