Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Well - Vitamin Pills - A False Hope? -

Well - Vitamin Pills - A False Hope? -

I am not too surprised about this one. Everytime I tried a multi-vitamin regimen in pill form, I felt kind of edgy. Ultimately I decided that may be it was because of PPS (Post Polio Syndrome), I could not absorb the vitaminic load in pill form all at once.

So I started cooking my food and adding the pills I find helpful for my regiment as condiment. I have liked the results I have seen on my body. My contention here is that the failure of most of these vitamins to reach the desired result is due the supply mechanism of nutrients rather than anything else. Vitamins thoroughly mixed food when ingested are better absorbed by the body, enabling the vitaminic nutrient to act as expected. It seems pills rather overwhelm the body in un-natural ways, thereby reducing their effectiveness. When you think about it kind of makes sense since medicinal pills are effective because the overwhelm an acute ailment; by contrast, vitamins are more designed to complement a permanent lifestyle. It is therefore not surrising an overwhelming and concentrated intake may become problematic.

Here are some of my choice supplements (Vitamins B Complex +Vitamins C; Resveratrol):
Do a Google search if you do not know what these do for you.

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