Monday, March 29, 2010

Soliosis - John F Kennedy Johnson Rehabilitation Institute

I spent a day today at the John F Kennedy Johnson Rehabilitation Institute in Edison NJ on a referral continuing my post summer rehabilitation treatment. During that visit I learned that continuing pain that I attributed mostly to leg discrepancy is actually due to scoliosis in my spine. I have done some research online and I found this really good site on scoliosis that I recommend to anyone interested in the condition They also have some great videos at Even though physical therapy provides some relief, it seems there are only two possible permanent treatment solutions to scoliosis, bracing or surgery.
Scoliosis is a frequent condition among post paralytic polio survivors.
The Hospital for Special Surgery in New York seems to be a center of excellence for the treatment of spinal conditions. See:

Check Out:

JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute


  1. Hello, while I'm sure every post-polio case is different, it still is the result of a neurological cause. These guys seem to be doing some new form of neuro-muscular rehab for scoliosis. Could be worth checking out.

  2. Dr Stitzel, I have checked your page and it looks quite interesting.
    Using the synthesis of what I have learned from various sources, I have developed an independent rehab plan with adhoc instruments for myself that is quite similar to what you have put together with specially designed equipment.
    If what I am doing now falls short, I will be contacting your center in the future.

    For ref, you typed the name of your center above wrong. It is:
